Thursday 17 June 2010

Day 1

This morning we packed the coach at 0550 hours and set off for Land's End at 0600 hours. Weather today appears favourable with clear skies, moderate temperatures, but with a slight headwind.

Since we left before 0700 hours, we have had to eat whatever food we brought with us. For Captain Hobbs it ws the "All Day Breakfast", a meal ready to eat consisting of baked beans and sausage, leftover from hiking in Wales several months ago.

We've identified our roundezvous point, a services with a Starbucks, along the A30 near Redruth.

The driver and medic received a £10.00 gift voucher from Tesco and 12 bottles of water from Morrison's.

We reached the first break spot, the Starbuck's vicinity of Redruth and A30, just before 1000 hours. We ate bananas and drank Lucozade before hitting the road again for Bodmin.

We were welcomed by the Bodmin town council with coffee and tea. The people of Bodmin were quite generous with most contributing something to the cause and very interested in supporting the military.

This afternoon's ride was relatively uneventful with Luster receiving two flat tires within a mile near the 100 mile mark. The temperature today was approximately 26 degrees Celcius without a cloud in the sky which left most of us with a sunburn.

We planned to conduct a 119 mile ride today, but finished with 130 miles.

Waiting for us at the end of our day was Warrant Officer Second Class Alan Moyle. We checked into the Royal Marine barracks at Lympstone near Exeter, then we went to get some pizza in a nearby town called Exmouth.

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